During my seminars, attendees will envision immersing themselves in different cultures around the world. Through warm & relatable stories, my audience comes to realize how liberating and profound exploring can truly be. My lectures are motivational, encourage critical thinking, and are entertaining. They will always leave you with the desire to go in the world & visit the unknown!
My goal as a public speaker is to get people out their comfort zone and into the world; to get people out of their own way and towards their goals. With pictures and personal anecdotes, I want to share the beauty of our planet and teach about the kindness of strangers.
What country would you like to learn about?
To inquire about how I can speak to your community, please fill out the form below.
During my seminars, attendees will envision immersing themselves in different cultures around the world. Through warm & relatable stories, my audience comes to realize how liberating and profound exploring can truly be. My lectures are motivational, encourage critical thinking, and are entertaining. They will always leave you with the desire to go in the world & visit the unknown!
My goal as a public speaker is to get people out their comfort zone and into the world; to get people out of their own way and towards their goals. With pictures and personal anecdotes, I want to share the beauty of our planet and teach about the kindness of strangers.
What country would you like to learn about?
To inquire about how I can speak to your community, please fill out the form below.
It’s been eight years since I took my first step on this journey. Before this simple, yet empowering decision, I was floundering and going through the motions of life. I was completely unaware of the precious time being squandered, until it struck me like a lightning bolt. My purpose. Lying dormant in the depths of my soul, patiently waiting for me to uncover it on my own. When you travel you will discover the world and all the scenery it has to offer but more importantly, when you travel, you'll discover things about yourself you never knew. From talents you were completely unaware of, to dealing with emotions and failure. As you begin to scratch, claw and strive for the life you want, you will begin to acquire REAL WORLD experiences. With each lesson you learn along your journey, you evolve. Your anxiety alleviates. Confidence grows stronger. Patience improves. You get better. There are many trails that lead to the top
of a mountain. You can’t take the same path as someone else to the top. My path is different from yours. Your path is different from mine. I know I’m on my path. My question for you is, have you started yours? Let me help you achieve your travel and life goals. One step at a time. “Believe in yourself. You are braver than you think, more talented than you know, and capable of more than you imagine”